This is just a random fun post!
Because of my blog...I've come to meet a great group of fellow women photographers, from this state and across the country.
Within this group of girls, I've met a few in person and others only through email and late phone chats. thing in common is how we share many similar stories as mother photographers in juggling our passion and motherhood.
It's always hysterical how our emails with eachother are filled with everything that doesn't make it to our blog. And I laugh, laugh at how photographer blogs are filled with "sorry I'm slow to respond to emails/calls....I'm really busy" or all the beauty of our lives or you can hear crickets chirping from the missing posts but but rarely do you read the "plain, hysterical and awful truth" of our lives as jugglers.
Our lives that are filled with pucking kids, dogs that eat our kid's diapers, PS editing issues and changes to programs, noise in our pictures, computers that speak Japanese, furniture left at locations, too many hours on our computers, kids that need our attention, the laundry piling up, empty refrigerators, cold weather cramping sessions and our mental state rapidly failing from too many hours of working and not enough time with our families.
Because the truth is....from September to December...a photographer rarely leaves her office as we're fighting hard to met the demands of holiday deadlines and the average bedtime is after midnight with an early morning wake up call from our kids.
It really makes me laugh...laugh when I think of what really goes on "behind the scenes". And how during this season, we pretty much all wonder what we're doing and searching for the magic answer on how to do it all.
But I love it...I love this network that I've built from my blog. I love how I have a great group of girls that I know I can happily turn to when I have a question, an ear for when a vent is needed, a place for support or to give support, and a great group of girls that remind me to smile.
Now...I have to give a huge shout out to this group of ladies that have been there unconditionally. Because when it comes down to it...this industry is growing rapidly and competively...and I'm proud that I have these ladies that keep it real without judgement.
Jodie and Kim...the dynamic duo of Fresh Art Photography in Missouri.
Betsy King....the smiling mother photographer extradinaire in Indiana
Lyndsay Stratner...fabulou child/family/birth photographer in Austin, Texas
Bridget Smith...master modern portraiture photographer in California
Maggie McDonald...stylin' newborn photographer {in my opinion} once in Arizona and now in Dallas, Texas {or TeHas as I call it}
Michele Herrick...brand new, breakin' out of the box Arizona photographer
Jen Fox...fabulous sunflare, rockin every angle, stylin' photographer in Washington
Jessica Nichols...master portrait photographer/Lightroom genius in Washington
To these photographers and others out are all amazing in your life as you juggle being a mom and photographer. And....are we not thankful we have the most amazing jobs that allow us to stay home with our babies but keeps us up late at night!?! AND most importantly, leave comments on the blogs your lurk and you just might be surprised at the friendships you'll make.
And since this blog requires pictures...I happily offer you a picture of my Easton from today.
Who sadly will be 10 months old in a few days....whoa...father time slow the heck down or I'll personally take YOU down! HA!

OMG Easton looks ginormous here ~ what a cute little smile. I think he's up to something :) Thank you Mariah and Tehya and all you photofriends for being there for wonderful Tami! LYG, N
Currently ignoring my children and their EARLY morning wake up call after my LATE night of editing to catch up on blogs for a few minutes! Perfectly written btw! It's so so true. We LOVE our jobs but we hate this time of year. Which stinks b/c it's also my favorite time of year traditionally... just hard when ALL you're doing is WORKING! And you're right... every day I think that maybe SOMEDAY I will find the cure to make this time easier! One day we will figure it out... :)
Wow Tami... Seriously, I laughed, I cried, I even tried to hug my computer screen in hopes to send some love your way! My husband and I had a good laugh as I read aloud the part about how our lives are filled right now with attention-starved kids, empty fridges and laundry...oh, how I hate the laundry - sitting there, judging me... because it is all so unfortunately true. And can I just say that I am beyond words that you have me matched up with a line up like that! Insane... unreal... THANK YOU!
Love this post! I feel a lot of the pulling and tugging to get everything done and I'm only doing photography part-time but I do love it.
I love reading Betsy's, Jodie & Kim's, Lyndsay's, and yours blogs. You all have blogging down! And I love that you tell stories about your clients and share your everyday lives.
Thanks for introducing me to some new blogs to stalk! I do lurk A LOT and will try to comment more. :)
yeah sarah...thanks for "coming out"! and wow...thanks for reading my blog THAT is the biggest compliment!
How wonderful that you have found a great support system with other women who also have love and passion for photography. I also loved your words about leaving comments on blogs.....I am so glad that you and I have been able to connect. You absolutely inspire me everyday Tami..... I am always in awe of how much you do and get done in a day. You are a beautiful person with and amazing spirit!
i LURVE you. you have made me a better person and photographer. thanks for all the chats and MEGA laughs. until i see you again (dec. then jan!!!)...
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