Manual Mode ROCKS!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

One of these days, I'm going to do a well deserving post on two of my favorite photographers....Allison Tyler Jones and Melissa Jill. I love them both the same, however, Allison and I go back 13 years or so and I just met Melissa a few weeks ago. While there is a great difference in the relationship length, they both speak with strong words...leaving me motivated to face the challenges of photography head on. The last time I spoke with Melissa, she shared with me her feelings with shooting manual...she had said that it had opened the door to having greater control over her pictures. A door of freedom and complete control.

It is an amazing challenge to get shutter speed, apeture, ISO and exposure all on the same team. For me, manual... was terrifying. But, I had told her after the crazy, holiday stampede of portrait sessions I would tackle and complete this challenge. I had been comfortable with shooting in apeture priority mode and was not interested in leaving this comfort zone. But, I need the relationship with my camera to grow to the B.F.F. level (best friends forever). I can now say...shooting manual was amazing, exhilirating, addicting and everything I had hoped it would be. Now there is still great deal to this relationship to learn and understand, but it helps to no longer be afraid. I can't wait to see where my ventures in manual mode will take me!

Here are a few pictures from my first venture in manual mode with my darling twins!

Thanks Melissa for the motivation! You were right, it was everything you said it would be!


Melissa Jill :) said...

So awesome Tami! Way to go! I'm glad you like it.

That second image is super-strong. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Wow! These are great. I especially love #2! Keep up that manual shooting. :)

thegreatestshowonearth said...

The girls look amazing! And I love the narration about you ex. you are ridiculous!