Along with the slow recovery of the sniffles, our backyard has been neglected due to the rain. But with the rain brought wind...the wind finally came to blow the leaves off our tree. The tree that still had the majority of it's leaves in January...only in Arizona can this happen! I had been holding my husband off from his sense of urgency in tending to his lawn so the girls could enjoy the feeling of fall through the fallen leaves. Well if anyone knows my husband, they know he loves his lawn. Well today he made it clear that he had to mow his lawn as it was now dying from not getting the sunlight and water that is needed because of the leaves. Now seriously! I think the lawn could live on the rainwater alone for serveral more days... I gave in and let my sniffle, recovering girls explore the joys of fallen leaves. I loved their expressions, looks of wonder, discovering the newness of textures and sounds. Oh, the joys of discovering!
And to think little miss Cash just had a fever last night! Motrin does wonders!
My babies...they will be two in just a few weeks. I enjoy each moment I get to watch their joy of discovering!
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