Twins…adorable and FUN! | Gilbert Child Photographer

Friday, April 11, 2014

I had serious anticipation for this session with these kids.  And not just brother and sister, but twins!  I'm very grateful that their mother has become a friend that I'm thankful to have found. Along with the added bonus that we met because our daughters were friends.  When their mom sent me a text asking for session information, I was beyond flattered that she enjoyed my work enough to hire me.

I was happy at the thought of photographing her kids since I'm kinda a HUGE fan of her daughter.  I remember walking into Camryn's 1st grade class and this adorable little girl with curly hair ran up to hug me.  While hugging she said she knew I was Camryn's mom and asking when we could have a playdate.   I couldn't believe, I finally met another girl that could be Camryn's clone.  Both her and Camryn live in what I like to call happy land: never without a smile, chatty, kind, and thoughtful.

A couple months ago, Cam and her friend had a day adventure that her dad took them on.  I about died laughing when I got a text from her dad reading that I need them for any reason that they'll be at Taco Bell since every time they try to leave one of the girls have another story to tell.  And then writing that he couldn't believe there would be another little girl so much like his.  It's hysterical how true it is.

I first met their mom when we both stayed at a birthday party one evening.  After talking with her mom, it was unbelievable how much we had in common in parenting style and view on life.  Now we've become friends that share books for each other and our kids.

I'm lucky my girls go to school with kids that I've become friends with their mom's that I admire and respect in today's society, which I've found to be rare unfortunately.  My girls have lost a few friends when their families have moved that made us very sad.  I'm pretty sure these kid's mom knows I'll get all crazy stalker if she even thinks about leaving this school…they are stuck.

Onto the cuteness with these 8 year old twins!


NP said...

Beautiful pictures of these adorable kids!!! I am so lucky that even I had the chance to meet them! LYG