I think it's time for a little P.D.A. public display of affection!
I'm sure right about now, there is one fabulous lady that is dying of embarrassment, shaking her head and smiling right now.
One of the private properties I've been photographing at, for 5 years now , belongs to the lovely lady below.
She's the mom to one of my best friends. And I kinda have a crush on her…a totally innocent, think she's the coolest chick…crush!
One day before starting to visit preschools for our kids years ago, my friend randomly told me that she thinks I'd love her parents property, so we made a visit. My friend's father is that man that appreciated what others might consider junk and collected it. The property she grew up on was in the middle of nowhere when he first saw it for sale and decided it was perfect to raise he family on. And my friend was right, the property was dreamy with light that photographers crave to find.
Since then, I've loved getting to know her parents, listening to her dad point out every treasure he had while hearing where he bought it, his plans with it and then feeling like a king because finally someone shared his love for all his treasures.
This is the woman that supported my friend's dad's junk treasure collection, Mary.
Mary is one cool chick. She is hands down one of the most cool, real, passionate, honest, no fluff, and welcoming women I know. While I'm kind of obsessed with how awesome she is, it breaks my heart in knowing she has lived through the worst nightmares that everyone dreads experiencing for more than the past two years. Being there to see her through her tears, heartache and paralyzing moments has been hard to watch. But she's pushed through every struggle and is still that awesome woman I described.
One of my favorite qualities about her is she is very welcoming of anyone that comes into her home. Plus, my kids think her home is just as cool as Disneyland and let them create the most extravagant kid crafts in her craft room with endless glue, paper, etc. And I'd rather it her house than mine.
(insert evil laugh)
Just before her daughter's family session last night, we were leaving her kitchen while she sat in her chair holding one of her granddaughter's dolls and pretending it was real, Julie told her she should get in the pictures. She wasn't feeling to happy about that idea, but after her daughter and I pressuring her to be in them she went to her room and came out looking gorgeous. Seriously, effortless beauty and to think she was complaining she wasn't ready and didn't have anything to wear. What a stinker!
Introducing gorgeous Mary…gorgeous, hysterical, smart ass and loving Mary!
Like I wrote earlier, she's hysterical so it's no shock her daughters are just as funny. Here is one sample of the random poses she'll just fall right into and this time I captured it. Not one bit of this is serious…just straight up being goofy and sarcastic while the present to gaze at each other in deep thought. She is hysterical with the random things she does that always has me laughing.
And my most favorite picture of her below with her daughter! Yep, that's Mary! She is really that cool of a chick…a styling cool chick too!
It's taken me over two years to convince her to be in front of my camera. And yesterday she finally did, now let's see if we can pressure her for pictures with all of her kids and grandkids! {hint hint Mary}
These are FABULOUS!!! Somglad Mary decided to join in ~ I see where J gets her beauty and sense of humor! LYG
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