Officially a COOL mom! | Tempe Family Photographer

Sunday, January 12, 2014

I've photographed my extremely sweet and kind client since her youngest was 6 months old 
(yes, I feel old now) and after my twins weren't having a great experience with their dentist I finally switched over to Dr. Kimberly Sherrill . And ever since, my kids ask when they get to go see the dentist. Apparently, every 6 months isn't enough.

This session was probably the closest I'll ever be to feeling like I photographed a celebrity.  When I told my kids that I was photographing their dentist, I officially became a cool mom in their eyes.  She's a celebrity in my house.  I adore Dr. Sherrill even more for the insanely personalized attention she gives my kids.  She has taken the time to get to know each of them and always spends time talking with them  Cashlyn loves sending her messages through Facebook and smiles for days when she writes her back, which she ALWAYS does.

Adore you Kimi and your family is just as amazing as you.

My little photo debut…Kimi surprised me with a little picture she took of me. Along with another but that'll stay a secret between us…oh the things my clients get to witness make me laugh.