Push 52: week 1

Sunday, January 9, 2011

There is one thing I love about starting a year...remembering what I'd like to focus on for an entire year.

I've never been one for resolutions...nope, not me...NEVER! I'm more like the "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of gal!

But this year is different. My twins will be starting kindergarten and my days will become limited with them. I was thinking, instead of having another emotional breakdown and blogging about it...I would just prepare myself by soaking up more time with my kids before this BIG step in their lives happen. Now, I'm not saying that there won't be a blogging breakdown posted...knowing me, there WILL be one.

I've decided to cut back on the sessions I do each month. With that being written, I'll be honest...I'm already finding myself craving photographing time. Being creative. Seeing things beyond the surface. I'm also seeing moments everyday that I think...I WANT to remember THIS! So, I started two big goals...resolutions if you may.

I started the Project Life 365. Basically a scrapbook kit where I take one picture each day, print it and journal. This is so doable for me. I'm finding myself taking pictures of random moments in my day. Moments where I find my girls doing a little dance routine to a Camp Rock song, dressing up in a curtain they found, and walking around with their brother while teaching him something new. I'm really excited about this project and documenting our life.

The other new goal is Push 52. This brain child was started by a sweet friend Jen. She started this project with such perfect drive. And gathered up women across the country to contribute. In the past, I've thought about this but really wasn't in the place where I could commit. But, here I am now, finding myself jazzed up and definitely ready for this project.

This weeks word was NEW. We had a week to take the picture and post on the Saturday at the end of the week.

For this weeks theme...I love the idea that each day is a new day. A new day to create new memories. Here are my babies shortly after they woke up...we were all battling a cold but managed to get a capture.

Push 52
52 weeks, 52 words, 52 images, 52 reasons to be pushed
The picture below is what I submitted. Right now, this is so my three. Easton is all boy...sometimes feeling it with my camera and sometimes not.
The best part about this project is the blog that was created for all of us to post our pictures on.

Each of the girls are talented and contributed such different meanings of new. I've loved looking at the differences among us all. Different perspectives during each of the different times in out lives.

I can already tell, Push 52 is going to keep me smiling. Before I know it...we'll be at week 52.

For now, you can see just where our little project is getting started and follow along with each of us.

Push 52


NP said...

You inspire me!!! Of course I LOVE the pictures! LYG, N