A bit more favorites from my trip to Camano Island. There was so much there to photograph, limiting myself was hard.

On a personal note:
Yesterday I came down with the nasty stomach flu...eew, totally nasty! I was miserable and in full fetal position in bed...needless to say, my husband rushed in as super dad and saved the day. But even in my pain, my girls kept me laughing as they kept telling me when "something" was going to happen to call them for help.
My girls were a little taken back as I'm rarely, rarely sick and they saw me in a whole different light. What stinks the most is when a mom's sick, there are NO sick days! Which is never fun!
Due of this recent event, lots of today's happenings were cancelled...including a senior shoot. Now as I'm feeling better, I'm anxious for my shoot on Sunday. Until then...
For now, I'm incredibly proud of my friends Jodie and Kim for starting THIS...look through it and celebrate beauty in some incredibly real woman.
Those pictures of your trip are amazing!!! That was a great idea Jodie and Kim had. I'm glad you are feeling better finally. At least I could rest easy knowing that Cash and Cam could take care of you when super dad wasn't home :) LYG, N
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