For starters, in a few weeks my first babies will be turning 4...4 years old! Ack...I can't believe it. My babies...are growing up right in front of my eyes. It brings back so many emotions.
Emotions filled with sadness from the infertility we suffered through for longer than I want to remember.
Anticipation from wondering if we would ever conceive...if we would be able to add to our family on our own or with help. And complete and utter elation when we heard the BIG news that we were finally expecting.
Feelings of pure happiness that I was finally going to be a mom. That I was fulfilling a dream I'd dreamed of since I was a child. And then when I met my babies. The feelings I had when they arrived are indescribable.
There really are no words for when I met my babies for the first time. Heck, I'm getting teary eyes just remembering that moment. It's a moment that is forever etched in my mind. And, here they are turning 4. They are proof that dreams come true.
There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for them. Even during their sassy moments.

Then, the bulk of my racing thoughts are with the fact that in two days I will be leaving on a child and husband free vacation for the first time in the past 6 years. I'm excited, thrilled, anxious, and wearing a smile from ear to ear.
I'm taking a trip with 3 uber talented photographers...for a second annual photographer's retreat. We started this venture almost a year ago and have held to our commitment to do this each year. I'm so proud of ourselves and screaming giddy to see each of them.
The last time we were together we knew it just wasn't long enough, so this trip is much longer to take care of that. We are filling our 6 days together with loads of chatting, an engagement shoot(NEW for me), a 3 day/2 night getaway to a beach house on the ocean, a massage, a Lightroom lesson from a LR guru, eating, maybe some shopping, oodles of shooting, practicing with off camera lighting, and hopefully loads of drinking coffee while snuggled up in blankets on a porch overlooking the ocean. I can't wait!
But for now, I'm completely overwhelmed with the piles of laundry that actually might eat me alive. The haunting of completing a "to do" and "to pack" list for all that needs to be done to get my babies and I ready.
And tomorrow I'm off and running for the bulk of the day to get ready for my trip.
Lastly...I will be gone for a while and I'm not sure if I'll have internet access. Basically, I probably won't be blogging and checking my email.
But, tomorrow, I will be introducing my blogging BFF for you all to get to know as she has some zany and crazy ideas for my blog. I'm excited! I can't wait to finally share her with you.
And the best part, my BFF assistant is back on board from her time off and will be taking care of a few galleries that are needing to be released. She is so freakin' amazing and I thoroughly missed her.
Finally, two pictures that definitely deserve bloglight!

Ok, first of all, don't worry about the laundry...except of course for what you need to take with you...because I will be there Saturday and I would LOVE to get you all caught up. You can also leave me a list of anything else you need me to do (not that any of those will get done because I'll probably be too busy playing :) I am so excited for you to have the chance to go on this exciting adventure! The girls look beyond precious in these pictures and I too can't believe they will be turning 4 soon! The next two pictures are also so cute. I especially love the one with her little face SMASHED against her daddy's! LYG, N
I hope I get a chance to see you!! I will send you my phone if you get a free moment!
ummm.... that "surpeise" might be from me! a tad bit tardy secret santa gift that was SUPPOSED to be gift wrapped with a note, but maybe it wasn't! Was it something yummy smelling? :::giggles:::
holy shiz kim...from YOU! oh my good sweetness! THANK YOU! thank you a million times over! sweet smelling...well let's just say i am basking in the sweet scent of my favorite cinnamon bears! love it and love YOU!
by the way...i'm the secret santa with a BAD hangover! bridg is amazingly patient!
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