Today was a big day! It was the day that I finally had Easton's "official" haircut. Sure, he's had his hair cut before today...but I'd probably refer it more to a "hack job". Or...let me give you a better picture on my mommy haircuts. For husband referred to one as a bad Vanilla Ice look alike and the other, my husband wondered if I just enlisted him in the military. Yeah, they were not pretty! And...considering my bestie is a haircutting extraordinaire...I should know by now to leave it to the professionals.
And good thing she cuts on the I texted her this morning asking when she could do it. Sadly, she knows I can be impatient when I get an idea in my head. The kind where, when I want something done...I tend to have the itch to get it done fast.
So...confessional...I almost, stress almost, drove him to an "in and out" hair salon, but I used restraint and put patience into play. Thank heavens as she is so heavenly...literally all around heavenly!
When we arrived at her house...the first thing out of my mouth was either you french braid his locks or cut them. Her idea....dreads! But, I passed.
And I love her even more as she tolerated my camera capturing his first "real" haircut. And, he was just perfect the whole cut, just sat there...I was blown away.
Here's our Aunt Juju at work!

Seriously....could it be longer! It was out of control!

And getting the finishing touches!

I tried convincing the other two girls for pictures...but I only ended up with one. Hmmmm, weird!
And, just a few snaps of what makes us laugh every single second of the day. She is filled to the brim with personality!

My precious and sweet Camryn! At last, I finally got a Cam smile...

~To sweet to not share~
When I checked my email this morning, I received the sweetest note from a client, S. Who shared with me that she had viewed baby Scarlett's story on the news a couple weeks back and was touched by it. S is planning her daughter's first birthday and is asking her guests to donate to Scarlett's family in lieu of birthday turn sharing the wonderful gift of goodness as a memory for her daughter to forever have of her first birthday.
While I'm over the moon happy that Golden Spoon is helping Scarlett's family, so are many others that are going unrecognized. I love good people ... good people make the world go round with a big smile.
To are wonderful and gifting your children with an impacting memory that will only start the amazing road in their life. Kudos to you!
To read more of Scarlett's story, click HERE
Ohhh I'm just giggling at these sweet pictures. I'm glad Aunt JuJu could come to the rescue ~ way to go JuJu!!!! Pictures are way more fun at JuJu's home compared to a business!!! Hopefully that was all play make-up the other precious darlings were into. I'm sure it probably was as I know Miss P LOVES here "girlie" things as much as Cash and Cam. Sorry you couldn't get the other pics of the kiddos ~ was Mr. Rman getting a makeover too? Ya gotta love all of Cam's precious expressions! LYG, N
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