There's always more than one...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Every now and again I get asked....what is a favorite picture I've taken? that is one loaded question...if you've asked me then you probably began to think...I didn't need a novel length answer five minutes into my answer.

That question is very convoluted...there is so much that I put into my sessions and then apply in postprocessing to match the style of the session and overall feel. Each session is different...which in turn, kinda makes it difficult in having a consistent processing style. AND each picture is different for me.

I fall in love with pictures for so many reasons that comparing one to another and deciding which tops out is SO hard.

BUT, there are sessions that stay with me forever. I can remember these sessions like it was yesterday and still smile at the moments I caught. Here is a session from a year ago that I LOVED...there were pictures from this session I would literally sell my left arm for.

Here are just two...

Ah, my heart melts and sings happy songs at first sight of it. I could never look at this picture too much!
Personal Update:
I have my sweet Ky Ky taking care of my babies today so that I can tackle my sales tax paperwork....IT SUCKS! Literally would rather scrub toilets with my toes or clean spiderwebs with a toothbrush or mow the law or wash a car in AZ heat...basically, rather do anything else! Okay...vent over!

Best part...I'm slugging through this work with happy beats by Colbie Caillet, Jack Johnson and Nora Jones. These artists can get me smiling!


rich said...

LOVE those shots!!