Here is the deal:
*The winner is chosen based on the number of votes each picture receives in the comments section
*The vote must have:
~picture number
~voters name
votes missing names will be deleted
*The contest will run until Monday, July 20th at midnight. All votes must be in by this time, or they will not be included.
The winner will receive....a full children's session for $25, prints available at current pricing. The session must be held in August.
Now...onto cute pictures of how kids should be remembered...having fun!
And remember, leave the picture number and your name for your vote to count!
I can't wait to see how this ends! There are adorable kids in each of these pictures.
#2 - Lisa Shore
# 2
Sarah Jenkins
Melissa Fried
#2 Robert Pfeifer
#2 Serra McArthur
#2 - adorable!
Teri McGraw
#2-Love this picture!
Joyce DiLorenzo
#2-Full of fun!
Mike Borstad
#4 of course!
Sonja Toenjes
Amy Packer
#4 will win
David Shepard
#2 SO cute!
Jill White
#1 - Kasie. Of course I would vote for these two kids!
#4 Its hard to capture one child in the moment and here are three!! The best by far...adorable! Karol Tangley
#4 is adorable! The kids are very photogenic. Holly Kenall
#4 Hands down.
Rachel Blake
#4...too cute! Tara Spears
#4. Not only cute, but smart.
Harold Huber
#1 summer always reminds me of boating & fishing! Daphne L
#2 - Kelly Schmidt :)
Jen Collins
#2, Catching raindrops, so cute! :) Andrea Friedman
Holly Hicks
#4 They look so like their Grandpa Pete. Pete Tangley
krystle shaheen :)
#4 - The cutest kids in the world!
Jamie Gill
#4-These kids have to win-they are sooo cute!
I love picture number 1. How fun and reminds me of my childhood.
Bridgett Greenberg I love #4
#2 is adorable!!! :-)
~Heather Pumphrey
#2 catching raindrops!
Martha Pfeifer
#4- Far and away the cutest of the bunch!
Susan Hudson
#4 gets my vote! Carol Dunton
#4 These 3 kids are so cute, all eating their "summer snacks". What a way to relax and be "happy"!! Patty T.
#4 of course of course, Justin Toenjes
I vote for #1... way too adorable!! Marti Hollingsworth
#4 should take the prize!!!!!
David Stewart
#4 Definitely winners - all three! How cute. Karmen Nelson
#2- These 2 girls are the cutest thing on earth!!!
#4 that is my choice. Karl Kenall
Martha Solfest
#4 gets my vote---cute kids!
Teresa Shambaugh votes...
#4 for sure...Super Cute!
3 sweeties! #4. Freddie Sopeland
#1 Jennifer Regna-Gaona
I vote for #4 Laura Hartman
#4 They love sweets as much as me...they get my vote. Curt Nelson
I am voting for #4. K looks just like his dad did when he was a little one!
The Kids in #4 look so happy!! I love the way that the two older ones have a hand on their Baby sis's stroller..It looks "protective", sweet and loving!!! :)
Michele J. Carter
#4...Their Father was a kind teenager that would help me out with yard work! With a Dad like that,they must be very thoughtful kids!
Amelia Sowers
Number 4 !! Great looking kids!
David Graham
I LOVED "push up pops"..Gotta go with #4
Dianna Robertson
Three Sweet Tooth's.....just like me!
Kirby Nelson
My vote #4 - Love the picture Barbara Toenjes
#4 How cute are they. Carolyn Lane
My vote is for #4 Donna Nelson
# 2
Number 2
Craig Gray
#4... Too adorable! ~ Crystal Kuhlmey
Kate Smith
Love pic #2
Gina Paulas
#2!! Super cute picture
Tanya Trujillo
#1 ALL THE WAY! This picture needs no caption!! PERFECT!
#2 - So cute
Melissa Nordquist
I need to see more of these cuties!
#2--SO cute!
Jill Herig
#4 for me! LYG, N
#3 Such fun!
Jayne Keck
Lisa Shore
Photo #2
So cute
My vote is for #4...three's the charm. Carol Heryford
My choice is #4. Karen Stockwell
Photo #2
Amy Wong
Charles Blatt
Photo #2
My Grandaughter is cuter than yours!
#2!!!! Love it!
Cassie Shore
#4 Gets my vote Barb Diercks
#4 Hands down LaMonte Nelson
#4 My choice. Neal Bremer
So cute...#4 gets my vote. Lorna Huggins
This is so easy....#4 Bruce Lindberg
#2 Thomas Bodie
No contest....#4 Jeanne Lindberg
#2 should be the winner, hands down.
Dana Telford
#4 Rick McNiff
Without a doubt..#4 Tom Nugent
#4 Midge Dirks
Count my vote for #4 Willie Pouncy
Definitely #4 Caroline Rediske
Cute #4 Brenda Kenall
#2 Callie Chapman
#2 The girls are too cute! Melanie Croskey
#4 Dawn Nehls
#2 Robyn Wellcome
#2 Jadryne Miller
love these girlies!!
i think i forgot to say #2 is my vote!
Paula Hagen
Sharon Shore
I vote for Picture #2 - Peyton & Chole
They are so adorable
I vote for #1 - the epitome of summer!
Sorry, I voted for #1 above and forgot to leave my name.
Jyll Curran
My vote is for #4!! Cute..cute kids and a wonderful family!
Julie George
I vote for #2
I remember chasing raindrops with my tongue hanging out!
Tim Baldwin
I vote for #2
The kids are super cute!!
Roxanne Baldwin
Picture #2
Stacy Pratt
#4 Great kids....Judy Lindstrom
#4 Wish I were sharing their treats. Margaret Ballweg
My choice is #4 Sandy Benoy
Definitely #4 Anita Hakes
Sooo cute, #4 Sharon Hargrave
#4 Ricia Lansing
#4 Rick McNevin Sweet
Love these kids #4 Candy Moberg
Diddo #4 John Moberg
Carlos Morales
Wouldn't miss the chance to vote for #4. Love you. Jo Tangley
#4 Margaret Budd
Calvin Stockwell
Can I just take these two sweet kids with me fishing????? This one is my favorite - I can just see the hijinks they can dream up!
OOPs Which one? Number 1 of course!
#4 is a sure winner Kris I
#4 They are as cute as ever!!
Delores Mosay
#2 is classic. Kids being kids. Zak Pullen
#1! #1! #1!
Kori Chatters
I vote for #2!
Amy Barro
Brett Huston
I vote for #4!
Carrie Gill
Don't girls think of the cutest things to do, adorable!!
Sheldon & Eileen
Sorry forgot to put #2 on our comment. Sheldon & Eileen
Kim Perryman
#4 My choice
Roxy Norrish
#4 This is one of cutest pictures I've seen! Pam
I vote for #1!!!!!! They look just like their mommy when she was younger!!!!!!!
~Kendra Holmes
I vote for #1. Too cute!
Elisa Breckenridge
Michael Chapman
I vote for picture #2. The children are darling.
I vote for no 2 photo. The children are darling. Ann Rohn
#1, Jennifer Whetten, way cute pics -- all of them.
#2 Love this pix. stephanie smith
#4 gets our vote, for sure
#4 gets our vote for sure.the isaacson's
my best friend's cousins, they are the best. Katey
#4-My best friend's cousins are the sure cute
Mike Yuhaniak
So Cute!!!
Debby Bauer
#2 - the cutest!
Nikki Morris thinks # 4 should definitely win...beautiful trio of kids.
#4 it is...Trevor Spears
valerie patriquin
valerie cute
Number 4
Very cute kids
Bob Nelson
#4 Sweets for the sweet.
Evelyn Swanson
Arlene Neuzil
#4 Count me in for these three cuties.
John Perryman
#4 So cute
Pat Johnsen
#2 very cute!
#4 They got my vote.
Ridge Mosay
I vote #2. I know the sass and fearlessness those girls have in their faces...ready to take the world on and have fun. peyton shore.
Jon Prouty
#2 Stuart Telford
#1 Duaine Cowley
#1 Christina Windisch
#4 Sweet treats!!
Linda Proch
#4 of course
Roger Proch
Cast my vote for number 4
Meri Moser
I'll get this right yet...My best friends cousins kids are so cute and I vote for #4
#4 They are adorable.
Karen Sipinen
#4 Without a doubt
Steve Rediske
Linda Hamilton Photo #2
Shelly Imburgia
photo #2
I vote for #1. What adorable kids.
Bonnie Mitchell
Deb Georgvich
Jeanine Yonushonis
Too cute
Lynda Forthe
Love #4 too cute
Jacquelyn Herzig
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