One word...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Beautiful mommy
Beautifl baby girl
Beautiful family
and beautiful arrival...long but beautiful.
We were at the hospital for 14 hours and we happily welcomed out newest addition to the family!  My dear sister went through A LOT leading up to the delivery but once she decided to come, she was here quickly.

I came home yesterday exhausted and literally crawled into bed.  I also came home to 62, another huge contest loving!  I can't wait to go through them all.

So, off I go...taking on the busiest day of my week and play some serious catch up with work.  I also have tons of blog posts coming with a few sneak peeks for very patient families.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Congrats to Pam and all to your family!!! Amazing how tired you can be even when someone else is doing all the work-ha ha!

SloneFamily said...

Ohhh she looks beautiful and healthy! Glad she got here safely. Hope your sister is doing well :)

maggie said...

Wooohooo! Gorgeous baby girl. Congrats to Pam & family. Can't wait to see more pics of this little lady. LOVIES!!!

andrea croskey said...

i am so happy for Pam and family!! send my love!!
