MY twins!

Monday, March 3, 2008

After all the rain we've been having, I'm frequently driving by fields of overgrown weeds that are just starting to bloom. When driving by these fields, I can't help but think what beautiful locations they could be for a session. And whala! I created a session for my little girls...and nephew... and this all took place across the street from my parents house.

Here is one of my many attempts to have all three in one area. I was coaxing them to hold hands...while my twins have this down, my nephew wanted nothing to do with them. He was all about testing out his weed allergies...
My little "C." These days she is all about hugging, kissing, and holding hands. She has such a commanding tone to her voice when she wants one of the above. Here she is yelling at "J" to come back and hold her hand. My nephew is frantically running from my girls. Here is my youngest twin! My nephew in the background made me fall head over heels for this picture. My nephew...Mr. "J." This is my twin sister's son...who doesn't resemble my twin AT ALL! His father is a French Canadian and former hockey player. I can't believe how much he resembles both. At this young age, his favorite toy is his hockey stick and everything is a puck, waiting to be wacked.
My oldest and most passionate for life. I was floored at how she was working the camera for her mommy! As most photographers would agree, our children literally run screaming when they see the camera. So I'm always overjoyed when my girls work it for me.
Tutus, field, smiles and perfect light! A recipe for a perfect photo session. Here's a hint, when outdoors, the best time of day to take pictures outside is either the first two hours after sunrise or the two hours before sunset. Any other time of day, the lighting is tricky, icky, yucky, naughty and seriously harsh. The sweet lighting times is simply SWEET light! My girl and the light were working wonders for me! I just love how the light is glowing into my camera and onto my sweeties.Ohhhh! The gorgeous Proffitt blue eyes!


Anonymous said...

These are really nice! Gorgeous lighting and your little ones make such adorable subjects!

Mariah said...

Beautiful!!!! Love it and now I am going to demand that you to make bows for me. Totally jealous. I should do pics before it gets too hot...hum. We have cherry blossom trees blooming by our house I was just thinking about you and how we could hop the chain link luck we'd all be allergic. Hives probally don't photo well?

Anonymous said...

Soooooooooo cute. Lovin' the tutus and your girls are just precious! And you're right -- the lighting is just gorgeous! I just did this (the weeds session) with my daughter on Sunday...too funny. :)

Domestic Bliss & FOUND said...

What a darling crew you have here! Thanks for coming by our blog- make sure to visit again soon- we have lots of fun things in the works-
Your girls are just darling- and what creative photography- just precious!
Have a great day!