A celebration session | Chandler Family Photographer

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I have a little regret that I didn't share these pictures in October, the breast cancer awareness month.  Here's the reason why, I had the extremely humbling opportunity to photograph a family celebrating the 2 year milestone that they beat breast cancer.  The mother was diagnosed with breast cancer over two years ago, and she is just a year older than I am.  I can't write enough how eye opening that was for me to hear.  Thankfully, after going through the fight, she came out winning.  But, the win wasn't without many sacrifices, physically painful days, emotionally exhausting moments and the strain that it takes on not only the woman, but the support system that was there taking her to the doctor, staying by her side after treatments and caring for her.  

This family contacted me early in the summer about a session and was waiting patiently for me to begin scheduling my fall season.  This session was for pure celebration and just capturing her with those these loves.  A big part of her support system was also her dog, Cooper.  He's a labrador they found through a rescue shelter and received her before starting her treatments...Cooper was there every inche of the fight.  Of course, Cooper had to be included in the session.  Along with their new dog that they've had for just a month, that they also rescued from a shelter.   Not long before the session, there was a little second guessing in having the dogs at the session...but that was a no brainer, it wouldn't have been right without them, Cooper at least.

Right after this, Cooper took off running into the water after something was thrown in.


NP said...

A touching story made the pictures even more beautiful. LYG, N