I have no idea where to begin from my trip to Seattle these past 6 days.
I'll start with me driving to the airport...driving there with guilt that I was leaving my babies and husband. But, then as the whining and what-nots transpired... the first thing on my mind was I am SO ready for a vacation.
After I was dropped off, I seriously felt like a drug addict constantly looking left and right with the nagging feeling like I needed to micro manage something. I kept checking my camera and computer bag to be sure I didn't forget them somewhere...I tend to be spacy and forget things.
Then after I settled down and popped open my laptop as I waited, I saw a principal I worked under as an instructional assistant over 10 years ago. My vacation then begin...my computer was closed and the catching up began. The most surreal moment was when I uttered the words...I'm a photographer. While the words came out easily, I paused thinking that my life took a turn. And took a turn in a direction I very proud of and humbled by.
After I arrived in Seattle, I realized....I had no idea what was happening next. Why? Well, because we planned this trip over two months ago but I left the planning up to the girls I was visiting. I was totally vacant in the planning stages. What's funny, is we didn't even know a few weeks ago where we were going. It was only in the last couple weeks did we find our destinations and try to map what we wanted from our time together. And it felt good...well, except for the part when I was with baggage in hand and thought...um, who's picking us up.
Seattle is by far my favorite city to visit. I grew up visiting my mother's family there and have always secretly wanted to live there.
It's a city where rainboots and umbrellas are part of a wardrobe...too die for boots I might add! A place where they only know ground to be wet as the sun rarely comes out. And they have two different kinds of rain...basically categorized on how it comes out of the sky....either misty or in drops. I learned misty rain is the horrible kind. But for this Arizona girl, rain is beautiful no matter how it falls.

We were just there. Soaking up girl talk. Rubbing my sweet friend's prego belly. Laughing. Loads of eating. And me...getting a little talking to about finding a balance with my blogging addiction.
While I have piles of pictures to share...I'll start with our home away from home. After my friend searched and searched and searched...sharing the never ending links to beach rentals...we knew this cottage was IT when we saw it.
The details throughout the cottage were endless.

The cottage was literally 15 feet from the beach. If you look in the reflection of the windows, you can see how close we truly were.
My room that I snuggled with a friend in.

One thing about me is I am not a fan of being in front of the camera. But, when talking with my friends, I've come to learn how important it is as a photographer to be on the other end of the camera and to be photographed.
What I want to remember most, is waking up to small waves breaking on the shore, noisy sea gulls and the random pieces of wood that would wash up.

Being on the beach in an area that I'm in love with was the perfect starting place.
photo courtesy of Jessica Nichols

Years ago when I started this photography venture, I was found photographing the little things that I loved. Back then, I didn't really photograph people, but more details in landscape. My walls were once filled with pictures of wood, trees, leaves and other fun oddities.

When I arrived in Seattle, I knew I wanted to spend time falling back in love with landscape. And love I did find. It was photographing the little details in landscape that rejuvenated me. Not giggly moments...but wood, beaches, and trees.

I've fallen back in love with landscape. Now, by no means am I Ansel Adams but these are what make me smile and I'm wanting to see more of these on my walls.

We had an engagement shoot while I was there. For me, this is very foreign...so I left it up to my uber talented wedding photographer friends. But I did manage to snatch a few. Which was good for me...as I can be a camera hog and get lost in a shoot. It was actually relaxing to sit back and watch the talented ones do their thing.

While my mind is swirling with what I want to do with my pictures...I do know this one will be a great canvas in my bathroom.

My Washington family is amazing and I always love each minute with them. They are real. They ground me. I love them. And I always leave wishing I had more time with them. When my cousin dropped me off at the ferry back to Seattle, I couldn't help but get teary as I wished I could be with them more.
The final highlight to my trip was reconnecting with a girl, Julie, I went to high school with that started reading my blog from another blog. Actually, Julie and I taught special education together on separate campuses within the same school district. I was thinking we might not get together but then we managed to meet up before the sun rose this morning for coffee.
Fact: the sun doesn't rise until way late in the morning.
Fact: I believe it to be a sin to wake up before the sun rises!
BUT, I did wake up to meet her on a gorgeous day. I had so much fun talking with her. And I left wishing we had gotten to know each other sooner. I brought my camera to take a picture of us...but get this....I couldn't find the timer thingy on my camera! HA! How sad is that... Anyhoo, it made me laugh!
I came home today ready for my family. Seeing their surprises faces melted my heart. And, it got better as my mother in law made us dinner before leaving her house. I'm spoiled!
To my girls on the trip...oh how I love thee...let me count the ways! But mostly for how each of you balance me!
BEE~U~TIFUL pictures!!! I and thrilled for you that you had such a wonderful time! I'm missing my babies, but seeing how happy they were to see you melted my heart ... I know you will have some fun days with them! LYG, N
Wow Tam...beautiful pictures! I love the one of you on the beach...you are a gorgeous woman! You need to let people take your picture more often! Welcome back.
Tams...LOVED your post. The pics of everything and your lovely words summed up our trip beautifully. And oh how I already miss our beach cottage. :) Until next time...& huge hugs to you and your fam.
Thank you for breaking one of your rules (and mine too) of getting up before the sun rises to grab coffee! It was so great to chat with you and YES pick your brain! I can't wait to see you in March and maybe take some pictures or at the very least see your magic first hand! You captured Seattle so beautifully in this post. The picture of the space needle is to die for (may have to purchase that from you!) along with your descriptions. So glad that you had a wonderful trip and that you got a well deserved break!
AHhdore the picture of you!!! And missed you but so glad you all all refreshed!
:::swoon::: so jealous, but happy for you that you had such a great time! we MUST do this too! :)
I so, so, so glad you had at least a few moments without rain to capture why I love Washington! I usually tell people it's grey and gloomy all the time and in the dead of winter I forget that it really is a beautiful place to call home! Thanks for having the talent to "find the light" and remind me of why I love to live here! Beautiful pictures as usual and I loved every single second I got to spend with you....even if I can count them all on one hand :) Kidding....
hi tami. first visit to your blog. love it. wow, it looks like you gals had a great time. beautiful setting. i have to ask where the cottage was. i have been to seattle once and loved it, but stayed in the city. would love to go back and stay outside of it and that cottage looks perfect. thanks.
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