Just popping in...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh my sweet readers, I'm sorry I've been sooooo absent. Life has been filled with loads of fun family time (pics to share soon), snuggle time, happy children and moments that I've been finding myself speechless, thankful and filled with tears.

It's no secret I'm an emotional person. Over this past weekend, I was having some sweet girl time. During this time, I was telling a story and one of my besties tells another friend with me that...get ready, she's going to cry! Oh, my friends know me too well. Now, I don't remember the story, as it was just another moment I was talking about that has touched me.

On another note... over the past weekend, I couldn't help but have a client/friend on my mind. My friend's mother has been battling cancer for over a year now...and her battle was bravely fought through her strength and her daughters. Last I heard, my friend was flying back home to be with her mother who was starting her care with Hospice. I couldn't stop thinking of my friend and her family. At a time that is joyous with the holiday spirit and they are saying good bye to her mother. Each day. Each moment. Each hour I've been thinking of her family. And I find myself praying for her to have strength during this time and for her mother to have peace.

And then today, as I've sloooooowly be catching up on my google reader, I read another client's blog post. This client's family is one I strongly admire. I admire their love. Their faith. And their commitment to their son who survived a horrible accident. By God's grace and commitment to their son...he has made progress that is amazing.

What brought on this blog post is sharing this families recent post on what faith can do. If you are finding yourself needing a reminder of faith and God's love...please head over to an amazing blog. Click here to read it.

And, I know this is a blog typically filled with pictures...and I promise to have some soon. But for now, I'm off to catch up on my house that had our stuff strung all over the place from our trip this past weekend.


NP said...

Of course I loved reading everything you had to say! If you have the time, could you come and do something with my house when you are finished with yours :) ???

Julie said...

Missed you!! :)