I've got a feeling....

Saturday, November 28, 2009

...that December is going to be a good month!

As I'm wrapping up the holiday portrait season...I have to say, I'm proud of myself. Proud because I set a goal to not work during December, AND I've kept it. Well, except for three sessions...one on the 5th and two after Christmas. But, except for those...I'm keeping to it.

The reason for my goal is because I'm just plain tired of late nights and feelings of guilt from not getting the full enjoyment with my family in the past two Christmas' because I worked up to Christmas.

The only bad part of this goal, was that I actually had to turn some family away. It truly broke my heart and while I knew I would love to photograph them...they wouldn't be getting all of me as my heart would be wanting to enjoy my family.

And...the feeling of how December is going to be is because of the past couple days. After my post on Thanksgiving day...I haven't checked my email, edited or worked on orders. I actually took time off.

My sister and her kids came and stayed the night with us on Thursday and we just hung out. And then I left for some midnight black Friday madness with a girlfriend and scored some serious deals for my girl's birthdays and Christmas. And the rest of the time, I've enjoyed ongoing down time and family goodness. We've stayed up late watching movies, baked chocolate chip pizza cookies, took walks, played games and had a lunch date with good friends.

And while I sat on the couch like a giant slob each night, I smiled. Smiled while thinking that I will get loads of this in December...and fun late nights scrapbooking the past year of my kids. Confession: I don't have ONE picture of Easton printed...excluded portraits I've taken! That is sad...

During our lunch playdate, I broke out my camera for some captures of my sweet friends.

My sweet friends...who I love more than words could describe.

Tehya...you've seen before and I couldn't even begin to list what I love about her. It is complete and utter explosive love for all she is and stands for.

And Ashlee...this girl. Well, since I haven't posted on her before let me introduce you to my most worldly friend. Who I met 7 or so years ago. It all began when she was one of my instructional assistants for almost 2 years, I think. And then sadly, left me to go on a mission for her church...a mission in the Phillipines for a year and a half. When she came home, I was just going on maternity leave with my twins.

Now, sweet Ash is in Utah...attended BYU and now University of Utah...studying Middle Eastern studies and anthropology. I think what I love most about her is she LOVES enjoying life. She is in no hurry to do anything. While most girls are thinking about marriage and starting their family...she knows there will be a lifetime left for that. That right now she wants to experience life. She just wants to live. And I love that. I admire her for that. I love hearing her stories on what she's done, where she's gone since I saw her last, where she plans to go in the next year, and her new goals. Especially loving how her goals aren't mapped out in years but months... She literally lives one day at a time, and not wanting to miss a moment of each day.

The last time I saw Ashlee was in the hospital, after Easton's birth. And today...I learned a few things. One, she's going to be in Seattle just days after I leave there in January...sniff sniff! AND, that it's confirmed we ARE related. You see, I have a HUGE extended family and long history in Arizona. Basically, we have the same Great Great Grandfather who is the first Spanish Settler in the White Mountains, who founded and named Round Valley while having an actual monument...I'll spare you the boring family history though. But, Ashlee's cousin gave her a monstrous family tree that tracks it all back. Next time she's home, she'll be bringing it along to share with me...and I can't wait, along with my dad.

{excuse the glorious tungsten lighting...ugly I tell ya!}
Sorry Tehya and Ashlee...but Easton is too cute in this! I couldn't resist! AND notice how their ignoring my camera!
Tehya...baby whisperer!

My super cute and funny girls!

We were in the restaurant for over two hours talking and giggling. As it was getting closer to dinner, we thought it might be time to wrap up our good time before the restaurant thought it was odd we had a pizza delivered after we pigged out on their chicken. We had a GREAT time hanging out. Girls...I love you both!

And....yep, I made an appearance in front of the camera thanks to Tehya. But, my goal for 2010 is to do this more...for my kids sake! But maybe not grab them! What the heck was I doing, seriously....


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had so much fun and these pictures are just darling of ALL of you ~ I'm so happy that you are in a couple (you little grabber you :) LYG, N

Julie said...

Wait...hold on a minute....you are coming to Seattle...in January....Yeah!! For how long? Oh I do hope I get to see you!! :)

thegreatestshowonearth said...

Oh Tamara, I love this post. You are so wonderful. It is an honor to be your most worldly friend. I love you and can't wait to do this again next month!