
Saturday, April 18, 2009

These past weeks...I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz...saying, I don't think I'm in Arizona anymore.  Seriously...the galforce wind was NOT Arizona like.

One of my many attempts in getting more family time in...I bought kites...not the cool monstrous Costco kind. BUT the cheapo $1.00 kind.  My husband about died laughing at them when I suggested flying them in the wind we've been having.  My husband's description of this kind...wasn't very good....he said dental floss was stronger than the string on the kite. 

The other afternoon we headed over to our friends house for a barbeque...which couldn't have been a more idiotic idea with the wind....and busted out our kites. Our kids had a BLAST gripping onto those kites with their white knuckling hold.  All in was fun...the kids didn't complain.

My sweet Cam had a BLAST.  She was full of giggles and non stop energy!  Love this girl!!!

And my dear Cash...she is so systematic at things. She approaches everything with the mindset of mastering it!  This picture perfectly describes that...standing with the kite flying stance.  So incredibly proud and putting a HUGE smile on my face!
At one point, the kids were on the verge of busting into a full blown WWF match over the kites and then just didn't care anymore.   SO to keep up the girlfriend and I, who often think the comedy train is going to come by and pick us up at any time...created kite yoga.

Had a blast with our "fun"ky moves!
And me....stolen from my girlfriend's blog!  

The wind was HORRIBle but we definitely found a way to make it entertaining for us all.  

THANKS to the clients that were willing to reschedule for more "kid friendly" weather!


Anonymous said...

Looks like there was lots of fun going on! Who wouldn't love kite yoga??? :) LYG, N