I have to start this post off with a HUGE thanks....
thanks to my friends, my clients, and my blog readers....which I recently found out that I have quite a few. THIS was all completely humbling!A while back I wrote a post titled "post partum or reality" and than an "airing out" post! When I typed them, I didn't think much of them other than me putting myself out there. Putting myself, my feelings and my horomones out there...completely NAKED! NOT until I received a few emails, phone calls and random comments/emails. All filled with...cyber hugs, offerings of help, encouraging words and ongoing support in my decision to stay home with my family and tackle this part-time (really full-time) job. AND a few offering for happy hour. I was completely humbled...humbled to have connections with so many people beyond my daily telephone chat circle.
I have to say thanks...thanks for allowing me time to have a pity party. I'll be honest, it felt good...not the being emotional part... but good that I let out my thoughts instead of keeping them in. It felt good to see what I don't want and do want in my life. Honestly, I would recommend it to all. Recommend to take a step back and just breathe in life. AND when taking that breath...pay attention to what's weighing you down and what's lifting you up. When you figure out what's weighing you down....release it and know something better will be taking its place and don't settle for anything but the best to replace it.
Then celebrate what's lifting you up. What's putting that smile on your face at a simple thought of it. What makes you giggle. What makes your eyes sing happiness. What makes your heart beat a sweet song.
Life it too short.... live life without regret. When thinking you just don't have time for that simple, little moment ...take the time. I believe it's the little moments that fill our memories...not the big, monumental ones. The sweet words from our children, the giggle that can be heard from across the house, the block tower that has to be built, the inquisitive questions, and the child that wants just one more story.
For me...that's what life is about. The little moments...the little moments that warm my heart. I love going to bed knowing my children heard me say I love them and that they make me happy as often as possible. And I love waking up to do it all over again...even when my day begins at the break of dawn. Which is in my book of sins...waking up before the sun is fully awake that is. I do LOVE it, even before I've had my coffee.
My life mantra as of right now....
Live Without Regret!
I'm in the process of making daily changes in my life and my children's lives. ONE of the changes is taking my children on more outings.
Here are scenes from a recent zoo trip with a friend. Unfortunatley, this photographer has 9, yep 9 pictures from this trip! Why? I was carrying Easton in my baby pouch ...which surprisingly gets in the way of a clunky camera and photographing when carrying a 16 pound baby is strongly not recommended! Thankfully my girlfriend had hers....!
Our kids cracked me up...they could have sat and watched the ducks the entire time! Next time we might just do the duck pond at the park!
My baby Cash...she is so poise with everything! I want to remember this!

Here we were....parents and children surrounding the baboon exhibit. Along walks the dominant baboon and plops right up front! Parents, kids and cameras went crazy...total paprazzi style. The baboon just sat while us onlookers sat in awe...thinking what an amazing moment. When just then...in unison, all the adults when "awwwwwe!" We ALL knew what was happening and there we were capturing it! I wonder what he was thinking....

While this blog is a family blog...excuse this next picture but it might help you figure out what the baboon would say if it could talk. And I'm dying laughing looking at it...again, it's the little moments.

As for now...changes that have happened.

*all girl movie night
*bake fest
*homemade pizza night...actually scary event
*kite flying
*Tinkertoy shirades (sp?)
* and tons of giggles
AND the biggest change...I'm on a schedule! Woot Woot for schedules...no more fly by the seat of my pants schedule! I actually have duties assigned days and times...phew, does this mean I actually have to make sense when I talk?! It just too me 16 weeks to learn that three children feels like a tribe and I'm the leader that needed organization.
I loved all of these pictures and ALL of your words. You are an amazing mom . . . and yes . . . three children would be considered a tribe in my book too! LYG, N
great post! so glad you felt a giant cyber hug... that kind of support is the best part of blogging in my book. totally the reason i let it all hang out so much.
and i just want you to know that your tribe of three WILL GET EASIER as your little man gets a bit bigger. i'm just about to that place and can see it just beyond my horizon so i know it's out there. we just need to hang on a bit longer!
you're amazing and i would LOVE to hear about your schedule since it would be awesome to make sense more often here too! :)
These photos are great! You are are very talented and I love your story! I agree a schedule can make all the difference in the world and we are so blessed to be with our little ones as they grow...and boy do they grow fast! Enjoy every moment!
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