
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I had a little mini photo session today....
While these guys are gorgeous, they are typical boys in not being huge fans of having their picture taken. They typically give me a very....little...window of opportunity to work with! And even though the window was tiny...they gave me amazing personalities to capture!

And while I'm not from a country that believes in arranged marriages...I have actually drawn up some informal paperwork binding them to marriage with my daughters! B and C, I would love to have you as my son-in-laws!

And to hear the most shocking stories of all...their mother was told they were fraternal twins based on ....some blah, blah, blah medical stuff.

Meaning...they don't look alike! Ummm, I think there mother opted to believe first hand they were identical. Medical, shmedical!

Here's my dilema...I love black and white portraits for many reasons. But, it was quite the toss up on lovin' those baby blues or...
...the intense emotion that grabs me when I look at this black and white. Also, is it fair for a boy to have such long, beautiful eyelashes!?
Same dilema...not so much emotion in the black and white but innocence. The kind of innocence that becomes fleeting with age.When I look at this picture, I realize why I love these guys. Their relationship reminds me of the relationship between my twin and I. A relationship of pure emotion.

{Update}: My niece made her debut Sunday night! Check back tomorrow for some new baby lovin'!


Anonymous said...

Luh-huh-huuuuve these! These boys are sooo adorable. My absolute faves are the brotherly love images. Awesome stuff, Tami!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tami, these are just perfect of the boys ~ what good sports they were :) LYG, N

sarah goodman said...

LOVE these Tami....beautiful boys captured so amazingly! Dang those boylies are CUTE! Sorry to hear about your computer woes!