I keep photographing cute girls with tiny bumbs for prego bellies! I am so amazed at how little their tummies are... But then I realized, they seem so tiny because I've been comparing them to how LARGE and IN CHARGE my tummy was. Whether my client's have one or two babies in their tummy, they are still darn cute and absolutely gorgeous. I think being around all these expecting mommies might be giving me the baby itch!
Now I love, I mean really LOVE, photographing others and capturing the spirit within them and their relationships. I must add that an extra perk to my job is meeting wonderful people that are filled with joy, peacefulness, compassion, love, and thoughtfulness. During each session, I love getting to know my clients...finding out where they've been and who they are.
Here is an amazing couple that have the cutest story on how they met...probably one the sweetest I've ever heard. What made their story more touching was the way they told it. Their storytelling was overflowing with smiles, gazes into eachother's eyes, giggles, remembering each tiny detail, and sweet interruptions.
Meet the soon to be parents of little Miss "L." Yep, you read that right! They are expecting a precious baby girl. As of right now, Miss "L's" closet is literally bursting at the seams with clothes. It will only be a matter of time until she is modeling her new wardrobe and snuggling in her parents loving arms.
I just love the expression on their dog's face! If I could caption this picture, it would read...
Can you tell me what is about to happen here?
Mattie, the dog, will soon meet her competition for attention. Her stance is all about bracing herself for what is to come.
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