Celebrating With Santa!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Okay, so if there ever was such an award as "Slacker Mom of the Year Award"...I broke the record with nominations. All the wonderful moments that go with preparing for the holidays got swept until the bed...while I tried to survive a busy photo season! Last night, I finished my last shoot and stayed up past 1 am...yes that's right....finalizing the proofing! So....

Today the girls and I celebrated by going to visit Santa with my sis Pam and Jake. Although, there wasn't much visiting... the time was filled with screams of tears and "Hold You!" The girls did great with the build up to see Santa...there were only three people in line, gave the kids cookies as distractions...and whooped up Santa! My nephew Jake was actually walking up to Santa waving and saying "Hi!"
But...all friendliness took a nose dive when the time came to sit on his lap! This year I passed the overrated, overpriced, overexposed, scanned picture look and brought my gear! Snapping away I went, capturing each miserable moment my girls had to endure! Now before the ohhhhh...sympathy begins, the girls tears stopped, literally turned off like a faucet, when I took them off! Then they began to sweetly say, "Bye Santa!", happily! Kinda like, thanks for hangin' with us, we'll be back next year. Thanks for the book. Oh, and we like your beard. Gotta love them!

Until next year Santa....
We wish you a safe, speedy trip Christmas Eve!


thegreatestshowonearth said...

The girls are so cute! I love the pic with Santa! I was dying! Can I post it on my blog as one of my fav pix?

Anonymous said...

That picture of all the kids is priceless!!!

Mariah said...

I will make you feel better!I have NEVER had my kids photos taken with Santa. There was an Easter picture when Cameryn was 3 weeks old...never been back!Now if you were doing that shoot I would be there but the mall experience...no thank you! Your pics are priceless!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer says,
Amie screamed and Troy never got near Santa, he said,"I'll just write a letter instead." I love your photography and your beautiful writing! you should take up both professionally! I'll pray for your brother's safety and quick return home! Merry Christmas to you all!
Love, Aunt Jennifer