Friday, August 2, 2013

Soaking up the seconds with them...after the years flew by! | Gilbert Family Photographer

I'm going to skip the usual pulpit speech about how fast my twins grew up .... with the standard rambling heard from every mom with grown children to enjoy them when they're little because before we know they'll be grown up.  Seriously, how many young moms out there have heard that speech at least a thousand times?  (insert every mom rolling eyes and remembering when they mentally tuned out during the standard seasoned mom lecture)  

But, in all truths...that is the truth.  

I can be honest, I remember the young days...

-fearing the bewitching hours of my babies clawing at my thighs and crying while I tried to cook dinner
-thankful for the walkers to keep my twins busy while I cooked
-holding in my screams when the walkers rammed my ankles
-thankful for bedtime to just have a few minutes of peace
-juggling a trip the grocery store with both babies and a cart full of groceries
-trying to get my housework done while holding two babies because I couldn't handle not being able to comfort both of my girls
-praying for just a second of silence
-turning off all phones, doorbells, anything that made a sound in hopes that both my girls would sleep for 2 hours at nap time
-thinking Baby Einstein was the most brilliant invention for parents with multiples to have a chance to eat dinner in peace
-then, gulping down my dinner in less than 5 bites so I could feed the twins without starving
-yes, I could go on and on and on and on

The only problem is that those young days were so chaotic and busy, that I sometimes wonder if I didn't savor each second I could with them.  I was always worried that one would feel favored over the other and always doing my best to be sure both girls got their fair time with me in snuggles, stories and playing.  Now, I look back...I do wish I would have just taken a breath and blew everything else off.

And here I am today, my twins just started 2nd grade.  SECOND GRADE!   I could swear it was just yesterday they started preschool.  My twins are still just as amazing as they were when they were younger.  They are just as opposite in looks and in their personality.  Cashlyn still rarely lets me take her picture without me threatening her with removing every single stuffed animal she owns. But when she does let me...I take full advantage of it.  And full advantage of her strong will, thoughtfulness and confidence in being her own person.  And then Camryn, we still laugh that she lives the majority of her days with her head in the clouds dreaming up a random inventions for her and her brother to make and thinking of ways to help every person/animal she meets.  But don't get me wrong, that little miss sweetness has grown to have quite a little opinion and testing out a little teenage sass.

It was so needed to just spend their entire summer break soaking up the last few seconds of them before they started the next stage.  One day they begged me to bring out their old dress up clothes...and while they probably needed to spray themselves down with a can of cooking oil to squeeze into those outfits...they sure did find a way and I was right there enjoying each second.  Granted...a couple times they did resemble a tootsie roll with their 3t and 4t princess gear.

My baby girls that aren't so baby anymore.

Here it is August and I'm working my fingers to the nubs getting prepped for the fall season.  And absolutely no pressure, but if you were thinking of a session this fall...let's chat.  My calendar is just about booked.  I have few dates left in October and a couple in November.   Give me a jingle if you'd like to chat about the best date for pictures!

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