Since my post on Autism, I've received a few sweet emails from various people, most emails are from blog readers I didn't know about and have never met until now. The notes I'm received open my heart, fill it with emotions, make me smile and bring tears to my eyes from them taking the time to send such sweet words.
Sweet words that I need to share:
{with omition of names}
Here are just a few words from one email...
Hi Tami,
I read your post this morning and it touched my heart. Your passion is true.
{blank} and I are now "officially" the proud parents of an autistic child. Our diagnosis came yesterday from {blank}. We're okay with it. Our hearts sting, but we're ready to roll up our sleeves and do everything we can to help/save {blank}.
To this family...I love you with every fiber in me. I fell in love with you the day I met you. I fell in love with your amazing spirits, your generous souls and beautiful boy that has me head over heels for him.
And for another email that brought tears to my eyes from a reader on the east coast...
Hi Tami,
I just read your post about autism and wanted to send you a great big thank you! My almost 4 year old son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 2.5 years old. I got the run around about his delays since he was about 15 months old. This disorder is not getting nearly enough attention giving the unbelievable statistics. My son is doing well today...for the most part you may not even know. But for me, there is never an easy day. Sometimes it is just because I fear the future. All I want for him is to be normal, have friends and live happily.
Anyways, thanks so much for blogging about it and being an advocate. It is so nice for us autism moms to know there are people who are listening.
{short note following this email}
About the girl with autism in your photo. I am sure you have NO IDEA how much the relationship between her and your girls means to her and her family. You have taught your daughters acceptance and love. I only wish every parent would do the same.
{SIGH...and then tears of gratefulness for these mothers to share themselves with me}
Reading the part about getting the run around with her son's delays angers me...why? Because I can't tell you how many people I hear about that got the run around and received a diagnosis later than it should have been. Early intervention is is key to starting the recovery process.
SO...since I'm on this roll...I just have to write, if you're concerned, GO WITH IT! Run with your concerns like a bowling ball after pins. Don't stop until you get what your child needs...fight like hell...ask the questions...push for your child's first and most important advocate.
And I am NO expert...I'm just a fellow mother that is obnoxiously in love with children and wants the best for all.
And since this blog got deep one more time...I'm going to lighten it with a beautiful picture of two sweet sisters.

To the mothers/readers that sent sweet notes....your notes took my breath away and I'm speechless by your beautiful words and devotion to your children.
My girls relationship with Miss L is beautiful. Miss L lives with us a huge portion of her summer and there isn't a day that goes by that my eyes don't fill with tears when I see them together...and I see my girls look/talk with her with no filter, discretion, judgement and preconceived notions. I love my three girls.
2 comments: are such a sweet wonderful giving person. Your words are so thoughtful and true. I am so glad this world has you!
I agree with you Leah! Those beautiful notes brought tears to my eyes. Thanks Tami for being such a great advocate. LYG, N
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