Today was a bitter sweet was the day my last true obsession...
turned 10 months old.
Who? What? Where? When? and this happen so fast?
My Easton is such a happy baby. He's incredibly content doing whatever...and he's almost just too easy.
He loves, like utter infatuation, loves his sisters. He can hear them from one side of the house and he will hunt them down. He'll stop, look in the direction he hears their voice from, crawls, stops and listens, crawls some more and then goes at mach speed after them. Once he finds them, it's pure giddy giggles at first sight.
Here he is at exactly 10 months old. During what he loves, taking his bath and actually starting to scare me. Standing by himself in his bath...eek!
{all pictures shot at ISO 2000, 35 mm, f2 SS 200}

And my other growing baby girls. I recently came across this picture from a park playdate a few weeks ago...and my heart went beating wild just looking at it. My Cam and a friend she just loves. And this little friend, just happens to be the daughter of my girlfriend of 18 years.
Ahhhh, what sweet pictures. I can't believe how easily Easton is standing in the tub without holding on in the first picture. OK, just so you know I WON'T let you get to that point of Easton in a diaper at 5 :) LYG, N
Oh Tami, those pics of your little man are great! He is such a beautiful little man! Just keep soaking in all the moments and take a gazillion pictures so you won't forget a thing! Ro
SOOOO Precious!!!!
: )
Betsy King
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