
Monday, May 19, 2008

~innocent words

~innocent curiousity

~innocent emotion

~innocent life

I'm going to miss the innocence that passes with each day as my babies grow. I'm going to miss these days. I miss them already.

Yesterday, my little C and I had our first innocent conversation. It went a little like this,

Little C said, "Mommy, I crying."

My response, "You were crying?"

"I was crying at Grammie's house."

Then I asked, "Why were you crying?"

" I crying...scared of choo choo train."

Simply put...a simple problem that brings such innocent fear.


Anonymous said...

. . . I'll have to remind these angels that there is NO crying at Grammie's house :) LYG, N

Leah said...

What a sweet photo of your little one. I love this age....most of the time...;)

Anonymous said...'s those conversations that I try and remember, but can't as the kiddos get older. Sooo cute.