Book Junky!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I guess I could start this blog post with..."In my former life..." Meaning my life before my daughters, before tackling photography seriously, and before my mind was constantly filled with adding to my family. my former life, I was a special education teacher that not only LOVED my students but LOVED children's literature. Today, my daughters reap the benefits of that obsession. I bought every Robert Munsch book, every Jez Alborough, every Don and Audrey Wood, every, every and every book that appealed to me. I could list them all but the email would probably become obnoxiously long.

I get tickled happy when I find my daughters have snuck away to dig in my piles and oodles of books. I had to laugh at one of the books I found my little brunnette C reading...a book about imigration and Ellis Island. I'm thinking that one was a bit over her head but she was talking aloud about each detail she saw on the pages, so maybe not. While I smile big as this new found venture of reading by herself, I can't help but get a bit sad at how fast she has grown up.

And...stay tuned for some updates on the latest and greatest happenings around my house, business stuff, and AMAZING portrait session deals as I'm taking a little time off from the heat.


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, you just gotta love those sweet little book junkies!!!!LYG, N

Mariah said...

Must add to your collection- Tops & Bottoms by Janet Stevens
I just got it for my C's teacher and thought about how much you would emjoy it!

Tami Proffitt said...

ummmmm---mariah, all of it, own it, love it, can't get enough of it! Thanks for reminding me about it...I don't think I've shared it with my girls...there are so many!